Monday, April 10, 2006

Jealousy in my blood..

Yesterday was a normal day for me. Woke up with a smile woow what a day that was the first thing came up my mind.. Recieved a call from baby so i was so pleased and was so happy that he did :blush: lol that can never work with me x). took a shower and btw i'm addicted to showers :S any ways took my make up and put all over my face lol, was so beautiful for work. So after lookig at my self in the mirror for about an hour so i was satisfied a bit. Well went to my car and i was so enjoying my music in the car and i was like mmmmm i'm hungry lemme stop and grab something from the select next to the airport.. So i went there with a smile grabbed a red bull and a twix. and i saw this cute HOT sext chich "no i'm not a lesbo" and i was like mmmm am i dreaming or this gal is trying to hide from me. well mmm i still couldnt see her face since each time i go any where in the store she go to the opposite side.. thoughts in my mind; strange, odd, WTF, how come why ?????? well so i was like mmmm going to know who you are you you you #$^$^$&^*&*&^$@$!$ then i was SHOCKED to know that she's my cousin who's younger than me for three years. The gal was suppose to be in school studying or whatever since its her last year thalith thanaweeeeeeee! :S so i pretended that i didnt see her and i was screaming in my heart HUH WHY HOW COME WHO WILL NO WHY than i saw this dude on his pursh cayane or whatever that car is and he was looking at her and they were talking on the phone and i was like EEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ewww ewwwwwwwwww andi felt that jealousy part on my blood that i was about to explode so i was like calm down dija calm down non of your business NO IT IS MY BUSINESS I SHOULD GO AND YELL AND TELL HER TO GO TO SCHOOL again another voice started singing lalalalalalalaaaaaaaalaaaalaaa laaa laaalaaa Just ignore it.. So i tool my car went to work and here i'm today writting about my pathitic jealousy thingie and not doing anything about it :'(


Arabian Prince said...

Was it the type of jealousy that made you wish you were in her shoes (because of the guy maybe), or was it that you didn't like the idea that she's younger than you and she's upto all of this?

But nice way of advertising :p

Khadija said...

well AP what can i say its the type where you feel you're her brother and you need to kill her for wasting her time with the stupid idiot. But the thing is you cant do a thing about it. i mean i care about her studies and her future life and she's young that dude was playing around i can see from the way he was looking at her and the way they met.
Well lol next time i'll see that i think i'll go and grab her from hair back to her parents house. heheheh i know UNCEVILIZED bas kithak dawahum x)
Thx for posting here bro ;)