Monday, December 27, 2010

3 weeks and 6 days

days are passing so fast that i lost count during the days.... its less them a month now and i will change a part of my life, where i live, where i sleep, the place i call home will be away from me for sometimes or maybe forever....
i pray to Allah to bless me in this new state of life, i pray to God to make it a better path then before.. i pray and i pray and i hope and i believe that it will be great filled with beautiful new moments in life...
its just a matter of days and it will be the big day...

tick tuck....

Friday, December 10, 2010

a month and 16 days is left

to start a new thing in life - to beging - to commit - to love till iternity
is this what i really wanted - is this the path that i see my self in?
i am happy but scared, i am greatful but confused...

its only a month and 16 days away and days are passing fast ...
may allah bless us to beging it right, may allah bless me with stregth to carry on and still keep this heart with me ...

Monday, December 06, 2010

i wanna do bad things with you - True blood

well recently vampire world is increasing in the silver screen, vampire diary, true blood etc and twighlight fever started this whole mess!

i was always a fan of vampires but now things are just mixed up! each version is different than the other! i kida like true blood (weird and wicked) vampire diary's story is nice to follow

oh well just throught to share my thoughts about vampires! hope they exist! :S

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

what happened to fashion :S

Vogue magazine make this weekly contest that i always don't miss! apparently this week's top 10 dresses are just YUK! i couldn't find one dress i like! probably the only one i liked is Blake Lively's black Chanel dress that she wore on CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund Awards, NYC (number 2) and Karlie Kloss's Stella McCartney (number 1) that's she also wore in the same occasion otherwise the dresses are hideous! well you can check the full dress list on the link attached.

Friday, October 29, 2010

lonely in a world full of people

i cry very night
i pray every prayer
i ask and tear oh dear god why
things are suppose to be good
but things are just too blue
it feels like a girl locked in a cage
cage of dreams
reality has lived the dream
but results were not foreseen
this pain is just too hard
why cant this girl be gone
nothing is left but a virtual world
giving me hope while its already blown
where is that light that i seek within
where is the sun that shines in me
people come and go
they laugh dance and blast all night
while she sit in her room tear pray and care
why is lonely that only feeling she has tonight
why is the night so long wihtout
why is happiness so hard to find
was happiness there when dreams died
what is a dream without bless and joy
what is a life without comfort and secure
it still feels lonely all through the world is round me

Mahar - 28 Oct 2010

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Its a fight within

Weirdly, i am for the first time struggeling from inside, wanting so bad to do what i know am suppose to do and what i would normally do, but it always results for a quick good result and then back again to the same scenario! this time it has been 3 weeks and i am holding my self... shuold i react, should i make a step, should i commit my decision??
too many questions in my head! i know everything around me, i know whats going on and i know why am i like this and i know how can i get rid of it and move on! my only struggle is that it involvs family! i dont want to do the same thing that happened before again! it just going to be disapointing to my family but not me of course! i've already prepared my recovery plan!

wow, i spend my days preparing my recovery plan to anything around me which make me think why is the world always disapointing me! is it me? am i the problem? i dont think this way!

its that conflicting now, can i go back to numbing the way i feel? its just there are too much emotions that even numbing has no space anymore for my feelings!

everything is just too sesitive now! and i am losing the believe! the believe in me! that am a good better person who was born a fighter! strongly to say NO strong enough to make things black and white! strong enough to know when enough is enough!

everything feels meaningless, tasteless.. i cant feel food, work, family, friends nor anything!

is there anyone watching over me? it feels like this world has left me to go insane!
where is my guardian angel where are all my virtual friends? where is everyone?

how can i be back from this black hole that i ve sank in?

it feels like i am in a battle! a battle with my self

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Numbing some feelings

lately i know things, i see things i feel things, is it right that someone say they love you and hurt you in the same time to satisfy another person he has feelings for and other person is in pain becasue you and this persion are in love!
now thats drama!
well am holding my self from been the useual me! which is basically raising my finger and saying bugger off!
can anything be more complicate now! i feel locked in a person i don know just for the fear of losing this other person! but does this person care for me at all for all this drama!

i am so tired of this dilemma that i am numbing the way i feel curently! well the problem is, since i numb my anger. my love and care is getting numb too which is basically leading to carelesness which obviously will lead to no feelings at all! but why put up with all of this?

It seems i will raise the finger and leave the fuck away from this series!

oh well tough!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Eid - just another word ....

Eid the happy occasion we celebrate in the Muslim world has become a word without a feeling recently. Just another holiday in the yearly calender. This feeling is not something i only share in my heart- yet it comes from the accumulation of so many conversations i had with many different people. The joy of reuniting with the people you love and your family is just too weird now! people dress up and sit down to preform the following as always:-
1- Cooking the famous "Ursiya" which contains rice, and squashed meat or chicken! and eating it till you get a stomach ache :S
2- Slughttring a poor cow or goat and eating him for the coming two days in so many different ways!
3-Shiwa - the famous Omani meat berried in the ground!

Well its pretty obvious that Eid includes lots of eating which can be a very awful habit (sort of) and that eating has been the main focus on Eid along dressing up and spending a fortune on cloths! which basically is encouraging people to be super superficial! i wished if Eid was encouraging people to give out more or to try and get closer to their families by hearing their problems or bonding more with them instead of the common thought we all have currently which is bragging about looks and cloths!
In the world i live in i feel that superficiality and looks are mostly common here though i do love to look good and spend some money on clothing and salonning my self yet i never brag! i do it for ME and not for the people! i am not so perfect i do have my own sick jumps sometimes thanks to the society i live in and influence i get from!
Eid is not Eid any more! it became silly and meaningless with the people around me! things are just so shallow to be joyful now!
its just my opinion...

Sunday, September 05, 2010

"My September"

Ive always had a great relationship with September, its my spring September where everything is colourful and great! it starts with the day i was born 3rd of Sep (yet dad still insist that its the 5th!) - every year its a great time to me, very special though nothing happens and i celebrate it alone with some really close friends. This year "My September" was different. For the first time in my life September fail me so bad but i think because it was trying to warm me about something since years.
it began with a surprisingly weird feeling, it was not joyful and not sad but it was dark and heavy to my heart. yet the thing i was waiting for happened! and i was crying because i thought my feelings this year were deceiving me and that though this dark feeling still September didn't fail me and it gave me the best present on my day...
still my birthday was a bit weird, didnt feel that i have reached 25 years in my life and i am where i am today while i know for a fact that i could have dont more but i ve missed 5 years waiting for this thing to happen while already did!
it is weird how scared i was from it but then i unleashed my happiness and felt it to the ultimate and was dreaming of "My great September" the dark feeling was fading away yet i can sense it... one day later the darkness pealed my happiness from my life and something i prepared my self for since 5 years was lost in a moment of leashed happiness.
today i pick my self pieces after a day from the darkness attack, i will not lose what i have built to my self and i will not lose who i was before as in the happiness camouflage i forgot the person inside me and got lost between superficiality.
i can easily say that "My September" was the worse September i have ever lived in 25 years :-)

Sunday, July 04, 2010

its like music in my eyes

with everything that have happened, with all of the pain and sadness i sence around me from the un ending prison, a cage that i am locked in where i still struggel in searching for my selvation, searching for a way to change the way i see the world at this point...

everything seems calm, the wind blowing into the trees and the universe running around in a circle that i can see in slow motion... why do sadness exist in this beautiful calm world... why do i still feel locked in this cage while the world is huge enough to make me free...

days are passing and still i laugh smile yell scream cry live my life carrying this big thing inside my heart... if only... If only....

i smile a fake laughter that i show the whole world, a bubly girl who's always pink and white full of colours, i show love i give as much as i can but still i go back every night and i cry hoping that this pain would go... this fear will just leave me alone ....

sadness has become like music in my eyes that i can only hear in my ears and no one can see other them me....

i dont know if am been dramatic about everything in this world, but still i feel locked in a cage of this bubly pink happy girl which carries alot of sadnss inside that no one can see or feel...

i just need to find my happy path that i never found... things are not as simple as i see them and the world is not so crule as i see it, its not the world's fault for everything that have happened...

its the people aorund me the souls i believed that can protect me...

this music will not stop inside my eyes untill i find my freedom away from my locked sadness...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Good bye lemony :-(

A week ago i was forced to let go of someone precious to me :( my dear Lemony Snikits...

i will miss you Lemon and i know we only had two years together, but it was a sweet time to me that i have had you with me at home... i will never forget you and the times we spent together...

and i will never forget the time you delievered in total 14 kids (3 deliveries) ...

I hope the new home i found you will be comfortable to you as it was for us back home...


Tuesday, June 08, 2010

a stranger in a world i dont belong in

two years ago i''ve experienced one of the most self torturing punishment for been who i was...
recently i was able to find my self, my soul my person... and again the most crusial things happened to me because i still dont belong.
i know for a fact now that no matter how comfotable i am where i am today, a day will come and i will be at point zero again...
i always felt that i belong somewhere not here, but i pushed my self for the people i love, for the people around me...
only one thing kept me going, a person...
a person i thought can be the solution for everything, or can really keep me comfortable for as long as i live...
i relise now that its a mistake from me to think that, i relise now that i should have had faith in me and searched for what makes me strong and not lean on someone for that...
i fell so many times, and each time i woke up from the fall strong.
this fall was hard on me, and it was harder because my person bail on me and wasnt there for me, actually no one was there to be with me on this fall...
yet again its not a surprise that i wake up from my fall alone and strong again.
i almost got crushed, i almost fell without standing on my legs again.. i almost fade away...
i walk in roads, har people, meet everyone and i know these are not the faces or the places i belong too, i have to find my happiness and its not here, and not in this time..
i walk like a stranger in a world i dont belong too...