Sunday, July 04, 2010

its like music in my eyes

with everything that have happened, with all of the pain and sadness i sence around me from the un ending prison, a cage that i am locked in where i still struggel in searching for my selvation, searching for a way to change the way i see the world at this point...

everything seems calm, the wind blowing into the trees and the universe running around in a circle that i can see in slow motion... why do sadness exist in this beautiful calm world... why do i still feel locked in this cage while the world is huge enough to make me free...

days are passing and still i laugh smile yell scream cry live my life carrying this big thing inside my heart... if only... If only....

i smile a fake laughter that i show the whole world, a bubly girl who's always pink and white full of colours, i show love i give as much as i can but still i go back every night and i cry hoping that this pain would go... this fear will just leave me alone ....

sadness has become like music in my eyes that i can only hear in my ears and no one can see other them me....

i dont know if am been dramatic about everything in this world, but still i feel locked in a cage of this bubly pink happy girl which carries alot of sadnss inside that no one can see or feel...

i just need to find my happy path that i never found... things are not as simple as i see them and the world is not so crule as i see it, its not the world's fault for everything that have happened...

its the people aorund me the souls i believed that can protect me...

this music will not stop inside my eyes untill i find my freedom away from my locked sadness...

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