Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Till when?

Till when? whats next and when is it going to end... I've been dreaming of a happy fairy tale since i was at the age of 12, discovered that i live in the dream word, dreaming that i will have a happy ending that i will taste happiness in my tongue...
still am holding on to you and i hold a candle of hope, wishing, praying that someone will answer my prayers and you will come back from where you are. everything has an end, everything has a finish line, when is my end? what is my finish line? should i ask should i scream. i still puzzle that thought in my mind. do you love do you care do you desire like I? i cant answer that anymore and i cant see the light any more. that light that i used to see every time i see you... i hardly breathe i hardly feel i hardly sense... but am still holding on and fighting to find that light again but am barely holding on to it. where are you now, what is your role now? nothing but pain and agony in my heart suffering to light that candle i shared with you long ago... am falling apart and am barely breathing with my broken heart that still beating, beating with your name on it, beating with your love in it, am barely hold on to you. help me hold it tighter, help me make it live and help me not to fall...
i don't know if i will ever heal, i don't know if i will ever make it, and i don't know if you or i will be here this time this this date this month this hour this minute in a different year...
i leave it to time, i leave it to god... but until when?

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