Tuesday, August 18, 2009

10 years today - in the memory of a brother

18-08-1999/ Wednesday at 12 in the afternoon exactly a phone call rang that changed my life for good... a tradegy that happened to me and my dear family... on this day i lost a friend, a listener, a great person, on this day i lost my brother...
days and nights were difficult at first, breathing was hard knowing that my brother is not here, seeing the look at my mother's eyes every time someone mention his name... she bust in tears till today, 10 years today and the pain feels fresh whenever this date passes... things are really hard on this day, the shock of losing someone you love is something you can never get over with. Forgetting it may be easy, ignoring it gets bearable with days passes, but the day when you left was and still is a day that mom and dad got devastated from and till today.
i can still remember you teasing me and your smell, it was special... young at 23 just like my age now you left us and left me.
with time i forgot how you look, how you smell, how you talk and what was your voice like, with time the pain is less, the agony is much easier now but its still there.
this day (today) is heavy to bare. its really heavy to gt over with. a decade where i felt like a dream i didn't see you or held you and told you how much i missed you and started teasing you like you were teasing me.
i am grieving since years but your memory is still in our heart, though its 10 years today from the day you left.
i love you my dear brother
(AbdulWahab Al-Kindi - from 01-06-1976 to 18-08-1999)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

RIP AbdulWahab
i have tried to ignore what you wrote but i couldn't
they said; you wont know the value of the thing you own till you lose it
well, i hope some sisters can read what you wrote
nice didi keep it up :)
