Friday, August 08, 2008


Tick Tuck,

Time is a mystery. Many ppl think that time is just time but I believe that time is one of the powerful things in this world. How do we think? We think a head!!! Doesn’t make sense I know! But what if we think backwards??? What will happen then?? Many things will change. Many decision made, facts, elements, activities and life as a whole will change. If we knew or even predicted every possible incident that could happen to us we would be living today in a flawless world. Where everything seems to be organized and everything is right. UN fortunately we do! We’re doers and that can be a good thing at a time but we need to spend more time on thinking. We need to see the outcome and from there take our mind to a backward journey experiencing how and why I reached where I reached today.
Sadly it happens all over again. We do and do and do and never think and then we still suffer. We could easily solve a problem without even having a problem but then ppl might say why I should spend my time worrying about something that might never happen and we shall learn from our mistakes, I say true and I can never argue on this cuz I believe it true too. But do we really learn from our mistakes?
Do we really think backwards when the problem happen again? Do we know the system of our lives? I say NO! We don't and we will never do, because we need to stop for a moment and think. Things can't be driven back to you every time and you still blame the world for your problems. You create your own destiny and only you can make it better...
Time can play a huge role in our lives.
Time can be precious now but we never know it till it’s too late. Precious this time now. And think of time now. Before it’s too late and no time is left for things to go back where it should be. I believe that time is somewhere looking at us tick tucking with life's heart beats until one day it will stop and life will end with it. Then what? They say it’s never too late. But time is sad somewhere waiting for us once and for all to think about him and how time can only help us about each tiny thing about our lives. Start preciousing your time before its too late...

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