Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Changes and Time

Time passes and we dont see the way things change! but after a while when we remember we feel and we miss, its really weird how we feel we're not satisfied at this moment then after a while of time or a year or two we wish if time reverse and we live what we had before because we couldnt see how valuable it was for us back then! I'm a person who really hates changes all though am really flixable about everything in my life! Changes are something good most of the time if its developping your life, but most of the time a person needs to accept it and move on! I cant do that but most of the time i have too! And i move on and re-new everything in my life.. Memories is something happy but mostly sad, Losing a person is a very sad memory and remembering how s/he was in your life is a happy memory.. What i get from all this; is that happiness cant servive without sadness..

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