Monday, November 27, 2006

The ring (The curse)

I got a gift on my birthday from an angel.. The gift was a ring! Its been with me since that day till now so almost 2 months and i cant do a thing without it! i sleep with i eat with it i shower with it i do everything with it! I became possesed with this tiny round thing around my finger! Once i came out of the house in a hurry and funny enough i took it out for the first time cuz i was putting some hand loacian in my hands, so i went out and i FORGOT it and i reached all the way half to where i was heading maybe 5 KM away from where i was heading! I remembered it and i rolled back my car so fast just to reache to it :S
Since that day i make sure i wake up and see it in my hands and close my eyes and sleep after making sure that its where it belongs! So since then i call it the THE CURSE! cuz seriously my angel cursed me with it! But i love my ring any ways :P

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Cought of the day..

Troubles and sadness may be in a person's life but you always see that person having a great bright smile in his face.. Shine in your days like you never have cuz you may never have that day again.. poeple loves to interfere in everything but the solution is always the ignorance and to keep go on.. Why to bother why to care why to feel pain, some say that i have no feelings cuz i care less or its either am not a humen beign but i always smile and say that i live to die tomorrow. be conciouse of whats going on and just be patient its just another day in your book. faith can be a powerful whepon if you use it right and it can be destroying if you over use it.. even the brightest person can fall. I never reached the bottom of anything cuz i shine most of the time just to smile and to complete my day and somone's day that i may not even know yet...
i got a tear in my eye today for the first time in public and someone can and said;
even the nearly perfect people cry but only the greatest will hold his tears and instead smile..
عظيم ذلك الانسان الذي يحبس دمعة وهو في قمة الالم ويشرق وجهه بابتسامه تعلو المه وتخفيه

Friday, November 24, 2006

Incubus- warning

Man this song is awesome! I used to love this incubus band through my freind Sam who used to tell me louds about them! i was like cool since i love rock songs! Then i fell in love with the band and thier songs specially the Drive song! And today i was just bored and felt like listening to them again and here i am again falling in love with thier cool song warning :P

P.S; the song lilnked to the title!

fix me..(dream)

dreams i have inside me, night life i have in my heart.. Having my love and our family . living in never land the whole time. feeling so happy and joyful, feeling so blessed.. All my dreams came true in my dream, all the fantasy i used to see came to real. i see everything here. my baby girl is next to me.. my love is holding me....
wake up! its all just a dream..
my reality hurts he's still with her, he's still there for her..
god please Fix me..

Monday, November 20, 2006

Just a misunderstanding..

Keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry
Live simple, expect little, give much
Fill your life with love, scatter sunshine
Forget your self, think of others
do as you would be done by

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Changes and Time

Time passes and we dont see the way things change! but after a while when we remember we feel and we miss, its really weird how we feel we're not satisfied at this moment then after a while of time or a year or two we wish if time reverse and we live what we had before because we couldnt see how valuable it was for us back then! I'm a person who really hates changes all though am really flixable about everything in my life! Changes are something good most of the time if its developping your life, but most of the time a person needs to accept it and move on! I cant do that but most of the time i have too! And i move on and re-new everything in my life.. Memories is something happy but mostly sad, Losing a person is a very sad memory and remembering how s/he was in your life is a happy memory.. What i get from all this; is that happiness cant servive without sadness..

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Two books am dying to read!
1- The Time Traveler's Wife..
2- Vernonica Decides To Die!

The introduction to the two books is so attracting! Will go search for them in my favorite book store here in Muscat which is the FAMILY book store! Hopefully will find them, otherwise i'll have to order them somhow :/

Saturday, November 11, 2006

My car/ Stranger in Moscow

Well my car pased away last night :( the battery was low so me and my baby (my car) were saperated from each other, therefore i had to use my mum's old gulf (1998) one! Actually it was my brother's (god mercy his soul) for that mum didnt want to let go of the car! So i end up using the car and i found a Michel Jackson tape in it so i was like hell yeah i love this dude so lemme listen to it! Funny enough when i switched on the music, one of MY favorite songs of the King of pop was on; which was Starnger in Moscow. Yo i was all happy and i got some really old memories back out of it! I felt blessed! Therefore i end up listening to the song for the whole day while working here in my disk ;)

p.s for my dear blog; the song is linked to the title ;) And its video as well lol.

Oh i feel happy... :P

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Light a candle of hope!

it is true, it is very difficult at first to move on easily, you will start blaming your self, where did you go wrong, why did all this happen,,,,unger & tears will drop on, cuz you think you tried your best to make it work out. How long it may take to cure depends on you, and on how long the relationship was, where you married ,have kids…. ext. Breakup happens cuz you where meant to be with that person for that period of time to learn and grow. In the future, you will meet who you are meant to complete your life with for a certain time or until your life ends never know. The strength is the ability to love as if you never loved before, to have faith it will last forever. Despite, what you know the only constant in life is change. Without this strength and risk taking of getting hurt again you will not be able to find the true love of your life. So it is all about time, and in this time you got to love your self & stop criticize it totally. You should believe you both deserve happiness, and you wouldn't want to spend your life with someone who doesn't love you as you do. Don't block your pain, but let your self feel it with all the memories, cuz blocking it will keep it their for along time. Keep a diary of all the process you are going on. Write in it how you feel every day. First, make a list of what will you do for someone you love that is heart broken for example, I will buy them the thing they always wished to have. I will take them to a party with all the friends they enjoy time with. I will write a love tender letter to them. What ever comes into your mind, and do that exactly for your self. Express what ever you feel every day into your diary. This will help you get out of your emotions. Don't rush into a new relationship just to forget the other one. Be sure you really want it and you are almost healed up. Remember no one can heal you except your self. It will be good to write also what you learned from your breakup, all negative thoughts turns them to positive. For example, you thought you learned never to believe someone promise cuz they may break it easily. Re-arrange it, I learned to be more careful in whom I trust, how, I will give it more time and I will be more concerned with actions than words, I will trust again & will be able to forgive when it is broken again. In the end all figures are not the same. I love the song called " the next time I fall in love " . It describe the lesson learned from breakup. In conclusion, Believe that you are able to go over this emotional set back, you can also read books on how to heal or read articles in the internet. You will find a lot of stuff. At the end, know that without any risk in this life you won't get what you want. Keep believing there is a true fulfilling love that will last forever and that you are willing to let it enter your heart again some day.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Dare you to Move

Its weird how poeple have something inside them where they want to do so bad but they postpont it for another day. I dare you to move and live the moment and risk and think its your last day and like today will never happened or will ever happen or has never happened before!
Just do it and go for it! Just an advice to my dear blog!