Saturday, April 29, 2006

i loooove surprises but i hate them !

well mmm this kinda conflecting and weird but its ME! :/ LOL
i lovvve doing surprises to poeple and i just love to see them shocked about things i do :P
BUT if it comes to me poeple surprising me NAAAAAAAA i hate it! i just dont know its much better if they told me and oh well i'll act surprise about it if they want x) this sounds stupid but hey i wanna be preppared for any surprise being dedicated to me! i mean what if i was the star of a surprise party and i was filthy and not MUTKASHKHA like i was suppose to be on my party.. Thats just lame! well lol its nice but naaaaaaa i'd love to surprise ppl who loves surprise but not to surprise poeple who dont like MOI! xD
well mmmm i saw this colleague or more like a friend of mine at work who got this HUGE cute rapped gift from someone who was brought at work and she was sooo happy, shocked , sad, blushed and she was just like OH MY GOD.. well poor she every one was teasing her.. oooooooo from who from who why how when! and i was just like leave the poor gal alone! maskeena she was red like a tomatto lol! maskeeeeeeeeena!
NO SURPRISES for me please! x/ thats if any one thought of it lol!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Maryam Al Bakry

Gosh i know this will seem like a lesbo talking but the truth is something else X)
Well this girl that i used to work with a year ago is one hell of a woman to be honest. She's just the exact role modle of the girl i wanna be and wanted to be. Her way of living her way of thinking her success and her funny way of talking when its time. She just walks and every one is forced to respect her and she just cought every ones attention. the confidence in her personality is amazing and she's so down to earth all though every one just go wooooooo butterflyes each time she just passes by. Un fortunatly she joined the compnay the get some cash to travel abroad to complete her studies.. Well today i saw her back and i was just shocked when i saw her in front of me that i screamed OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD lol :P and i just went and hugged her (again no lesbo thingi involved) she's still that adorable girl that makes me feel wow this is a good day and i can make my way to my success road. Well she's still as pretty as last time i saw her as cool and fun and encouraging as last time i saw her lol x) and the best thing ever SHE GOT ENGAGED wooooooooooooow i was soo happy and i was sooo excited for her, And she was like doooont follow my leads now lol you're still pretty and young to get involved with men now! LOL i felt eeeeeeeeeeh BUTTERFLYES every where! x)
Bless you Maryam ;)
againg i'm not a lesbo just someone i really admire and respect :)

Thursday, April 20, 2006

The pay check day x)

Well well well one of the best days in the employees life is the pay check day x)
At work poeple are waitting patiently for the day where they get thier cash. Just like in the jungle animals are waiting for the day where they can practise thier sexual activities x)
So the day they get thier cash... Malls, coffe shops, movies and resturants are full and packed with workers... All the plans are post ponted till the day they get the cash...
Haaaaaaa suhaila mattaa will buy the 3abbayah... MMMM when we get the cash la! x/
Huh shaimaaa when shall we go to the movies.. mmmm when we get the cash la.
Hey Najwani when are we going for the picnic... Abe! wehn we get the cash la x/
X/ X/ x/
DOKOM they finihs thier money is ONE day and be left with nothing till the last day of the month where they get the cash again... Why cant they save and be happy all days and mmmm spend as much as they can during the whole week. Not like spend it in no time! just like the animals in the jungle having needs in one certain sesson :S and zats it!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

My Tech Day!

:s eeeeeeeeh What a busy day. The connection with omantel is down so we have to suffer those angry obnoxiouse un beliveable monster customers who call yelling at us :S
And yeah the Technical department is just having TODAY shortage in staff! And i have to suffer this freaking shortage! :S lol oh well its a b it challanging but yet its too risky since we're the final line in the help service x) so you know i have to find a solution to the customer's problem and face them if not :S
Well today i had this customer who was called;
Angry customer; You nawras ppl are $%^&#^*!&***
(poor) Me; HUH sir mmmm welcome to nawras!
Stupid Angry Customer; I dont want u to welcome me you you yoouuuu!!!!
Me; mmmm sir may i know whats wrong!???
Me (shocked); WTF meee! how can i be ur problem!
Customer; I dont want to speak to you get me a guy!
Me (being pushed from my buttons); WHAT! A GUY!
Customer ( abit tarefied from me); mmm well you know i spoke to a guy with the problem thats why!
Me (with my head up); well tell me the problem and i'm sure i can help you out!
Customer; Well i cant use my EDGE T-Modem on my PC!
Me; Well sir you know i need to check out some certain stuff like mmm ur bill like mm your connection dial up and mmmm you know the right installation!
Me (Mi7terqah) ; Well mmm in that case you can show up over here and i can check it out from my side!
Customer; Give me 5 minutes and i'm there!
Me (swaeting); WHAT! i mean yeah sure e7em one of the guys will help you out!
Customer; NO! you will help me! since you inssisted to help me from the begining!
Me; X) yeah sure!! $%*$*#*($(&*#*#
The security man show up after 7 minutes exactly! Who's Flanah Al Filani!
ME; e7em i rais my hand just like in school!
The security guy; customer is out waitting for you!
Me; mmmmm okkk let him in!
I go rush to this smart dude who work with us! HELP!
Smart guy; HUH!
Me; i just made a sighn with my hand >>>> there!
Smart Guy; okkk! well mmm yeah sure just give me a sec and i'll go!
Me; Went to the customer and i was just like :0
oh my god this dude IS SOOO TINY you hear him on the phone you'll be like what a TISON! ooh my god! I hold my laugh n just walked to the toilet cracking up! LOOOOL
What a day! :P

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

A chit chat with Braiks, Dangoo and Queen.

Last night i went on line to say hi to the dangoo gal that i'v known throgh the english sabla. Out of sudden comes Braikz on line so i'v added the dudes in the same conv adn it was a blast lol. Than the Dangoo chick added queen to the whole fuzz. LOL i was having a great time making fun of them hehehehe. Than started the stealing game, Dangoo stealing my smilies from my MSN the ones that i stole from nicobambi LOL. poor guy he was posting new cool smilies and dija the thief is just stealing and adding to her MSN. than i found out that i'm not the only smily thief in town. This chick is stealing and showing off X) what a gal. Than we had a huge fight about which car is better and i still think that my car is the best :cough: heheheheh :D
Than i found out that the braiki dude is a good dancer in the sharqi (massri) dance LOL. well thats was the joke of day in the conversation ;p heheh

Well guys you're the best ;) keep on intertain moi :P LOL
P.S; Nico you missed the conversation next time i shall add you there as well ;)

Khalfan, Muzna, Iman And Ra7ma

These 4 poeple at my work always get surprised when they see me the whole day on my desk writting.. Asked me muzna today WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING ON YOUR PC THE WHOLE TIME? lol i was like honey lemme send you this thing and you'll see what i'm doing. I'v send the cute little pink lady my blog URL and the chick was amazed and they started making comments every where here. Oh yeah you're gonna lose weight oooooh deej stop eating chocolate. LOL Deej me i was all embarressed and i decided to share the ppl over this place about these crazy 4 buddies at work. lol Khalfan is the smart discpline guy who always say WORK comes firsl lol. Muzna is the craziest among us she just loves to move and to be like SHE'S THE MAN! lol :P comes Iman she's so quite and she's all sweet to every one.. Maaaa 7eeelllooo her favorite word... 4th Ra7mah this girl is just hilarious she makes us laugh the whole time and when you need a shoulder to cry on she's always there. :)
lol we just eat in this place the whole time. Cookies, drinks, chocolates and crips and you ask me why i'm not losing weight LOL :p
Bless you guys! :)

My stupid Diet

Well since i feel i'm over weighted and sine i'm 170 cm tall about 5 and half feet, i need to be fit to feel satisfied about my self. Therefor i'm starving my self to have the proper weight i'm seeking for. The problem is that my body is getting use to this stupid diet and the surprise is!!!!!!!! I'M NOT FREAKING LOSING A THING :s lol well this worked when i was in high school and i'v lost about 12 KGs in one month only. Why isnt it working now? well the only thingi eat was chocolate and it was a charm of losing weight it gives you the energy you need instead of the food you eat for it. BUT NOW, nothing its not working any more. Well maybe cuz i used to swim alot, swimming every single day for hours and hours just like a fish lol. OH MY GOD i got it now i stopped swimming since i'm working 24/7 :"( too bad... But i promised my self to lose weigth and i will.
Period x)

Deej 05:43 PM at work at the moment (talking to a pathetic customer)!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The dream.

Well what can i say, at first i used to be a typical nowadays girl. Being distracted by the things which go with the flow. Evrey single day i'm going through problems and i'm feeling angry of the whole world and i'm just upset the whole time. Fights with my parents with my sisters and the whole family. Till that day i woke up.. Had a dream about me my dad and that we died. And i saw how sad my mum and sisters were. And i was crying for real in that dream. It was so painful that i wished if it was a dream in the dream it self. Through that pain and tears and my family is crushed by the loss of two. Comes the time where we were barried in the grown. It was so dark that i couldnt see my own hand. Its not a normal darkness at least at night i can see at leat a thing. And the obnoxcious voices that were there. It was so noisy and so crowded thus i cant feel a thing. Then comes two tall really tall things talking in a wierd language. In that second i found my self with my dad with these tall ppl and now i understand what they say. This time they were saying that i'll go to heaven and my dad to hell. I was so scared that i felt my body hair was stnding and it was so cold in the same time. The other one said the dad is going to hell since he's older and his good deeds and bad deeds are the same. And the girls is is going to heaven since she got more good deeds than bad ones, and her age is helping since comparing to her age the bad deeds are really high. But the good ones are tripled from the bad deeds. And i was puzzeled.. Mmmm i know daddy is a good man how come he's going to hell. Out of a sudden i woke up...
So since that morning i found the good person in my heart and soul :) and i thank God i did.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Jealousy in my blood..

Yesterday was a normal day for me. Woke up with a smile woow what a day that was the first thing came up my mind.. Recieved a call from baby so i was so pleased and was so happy that he did :blush: lol that can never work with me x). took a shower and btw i'm addicted to showers :S any ways took my make up and put all over my face lol, was so beautiful for work. So after lookig at my self in the mirror for about an hour so i was satisfied a bit. Well went to my car and i was so enjoying my music in the car and i was like mmmmm i'm hungry lemme stop and grab something from the select next to the airport.. So i went there with a smile grabbed a red bull and a twix. and i saw this cute HOT sext chich "no i'm not a lesbo" and i was like mmmm am i dreaming or this gal is trying to hide from me. well mmm i still couldnt see her face since each time i go any where in the store she go to the opposite side.. thoughts in my mind; strange, odd, WTF, how come why ?????? well so i was like mmmm going to know who you are you you you #$^$^$&^*&*&^$@$!$ then i was SHOCKED to know that she's my cousin who's younger than me for three years. The gal was suppose to be in school studying or whatever since its her last year thalith thanaweeeeeeee! :S so i pretended that i didnt see her and i was screaming in my heart HUH WHY HOW COME WHO WILL NO WHY than i saw this dude on his pursh cayane or whatever that car is and he was looking at her and they were talking on the phone and i was like EEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ewww ewwwwwwwwww andi felt that jealousy part on my blood that i was about to explode so i was like calm down dija calm down non of your business NO IT IS MY BUSINESS I SHOULD GO AND YELL AND TELL HER TO GO TO SCHOOL again another voice started singing lalalalalalalaaaaaaaalaaaalaaa laaa laaalaaa Just ignore it.. So i tool my car went to work and here i'm today writting about my pathitic jealousy thingie and not doing anything about it :'(

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Craziness of Love

What is love
What does it stands for
A magic word
To feel, to heal or to with, you deal
A funny feeling in your heart
Where you smile for a moment
The next you tear till you feel the pain
The moment you show up
The moment you appear
My heart go crazy like a cute little deer
Jumping in the woods happy to find his path
Did I found mine?
A quick question appears up my crazy mind
What if what if
Many many crazy thoughts runes out there somewhere
Never had this feeling
Never felt this weak till shaking
Thinking about you is driving me crazy
Going crazy latterly, madly just feeling you inside me
I totally realized that you are the true love
The love that I was searching for
The second you come
The moment I see your face
I can breathe you while you pass
I can smell you while you hide
I can track you by your heart beats
Even if you hide from my sight
I can still find you by my soul
I close my eyes and search your heart
I found you
In the night hugging my pillow
Feeling you next to me
Holding me
Squeezing my self between your arms
Just like someone’s teddy bear
I don’t know whats going on
All what I know that I know that meaning
The meaning that every one is trying to define
What is it?
Yes I know what is it
Its something I cant explain
Its what makes me crazy and peaceful in the same time
I cant live without you, so don’t run away!

Some words which i felt to write :)