Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The colour of love...

:) Love, a dangerous game in my opinion. It was always away to start somehting beautiful with someone. Its a way to say i care, to say i'm there and like someone once told me its also away to say thank you. What is love to us? Some use love and some honor love and some hate it to the extreame.. I used to be one of the poeple who find it discusting. And i used to see it as a completely wrong issue or sometimes feel it like a disease that poeple get. The colours of love are different just like the rain drops.. It reflects the persons ideantity and it shows the image of you. It colours your soul if it was true.. Its just there but its a legond to nowadays ppl.. They use i love you in every thing just like a simple word not knowing its a magical thing that can change every thing to good if it was from the heart. If its the right love then its true.. If it was a love that will feed physical needs then its not the one i'm talking about in here. Its the love that will make you gliter in all places.. :) just wanted to share that with all who reads this site..


. said...

This is your Blog, it seems new, nice thread you made in the forum too,

Have a nice day, Salam.

Khadija said...

Thanks nez :) you're more then welcome to visit again!

Arabian Prince said...

Lovely words you used there :)

I hope that you find the love of your life soon enough to realise that most of this could mean rubbish to you hehe

Post more often! =D

Khadija said...

Thanks AP, Well yeah hopefully i will one day :) hopefully you found her already ;)
Visit me more often here

Arabian Prince said...

غالية و الطلب رخيص :P
As long as you keep updating, I'll be reading =)

Anonymous said...

it raly a dangerous game.. hell of risk but on other side sweets of rewads if it ends right which normally not happining lol..

Good posts and keep it fouuu..

Khadija said...

Thanks Brainy :D And you got that right, Its danger but sweet in the same time :)
Come back soon!