Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Me my work and I..

Well since i work in a call center i have to deal with all kind of people. Most of them wierd actually since i got proposed by customer zillion of times :S Believe it opr not customers are so uncivilized to call just for fun and to seek a good time for nothing. They call asking for some stupied reasons and then after trying your best to reach thier level of thinking they go all wild with thier imagination that IIIII ME! have another purpose then surving them as a customer. The funny thing when about 3 customers insisted that i tell them where i live so they can go and propuse to me!!!! :S :X@#$^^$&$&&*$@!$! I got pissed off and i started yelling like a crazy chick! What the hell is wrong with men here in Oman. They think its a game or maybe they think a working girl is a toy to play with. Why cant working girls get the respect they deserve. Or dealing with all kind of customers will let the respect they deserve less?! A wierd world to tell you the truth. Its not ok with thier beloved onces or sisters to be played with like un respectable girls but its ok with other girls! All what i can say its just a world of un civilized humen beings since about 90% of male callers are calling just to hear a girl talking! :S


Anonymous said...

isn't the same with girls calling guys? if your facing this problem all the time, its best that guys take care of male customers and girls take care of female customers (that is if they start to act silly)

i've noticed that when i call the Omantel Help Line (1313, 198, 196, etc) if a guy answers my call (after a very long wait) he would just put me back on hold and i still got to wait WTF

and i am sure most of the times, they are just talking to someone for the shear pluease of it, not doing their job

i hate the OmanTel Call center

this is not directed to you dija hehehe

Khadija said...

You know i have the option to delete this Anonymous :) but i'd love to see all kind of replys over here. And its true what you said up there who ever you are. But you see not all ppl "agents" are the same sum still do thier job proper and with honesty and work hard for it. So yeah thanks for posting here and ur opinion is appreciated ,,