Sunday, December 18, 2005

Between work and studies!

I choose to challeng my father and to work during my study years in college.He tried his best to convinse me that working will take me away from school. But as every one knows my head is harder then a rock! I just do whatever i feel is right, so i started working on the 9th of march 2005 and till today i'm so happy with work though sometimes the enviroment over here sucks! will get back to that latter! :S any how during this time i had such a hard time prooving that work wont effect school well it did! In a period of time i was totally lost in my studies.. But thank to God i controlled the situation and i managed using my time each minute in its right space..
I just finished my finalls and it was a really hard time for me that period! Any how what can i still have my ups and downs between the two which is work and studies!

Cheers till next time!


Abs said...

I know how it feels working and studying at the same time. Feels like as if time flies so fast that theres hardly any moment to do any of the two! I'll just say give a good balance to both work and studies and things will be ok for u. Any free time use for ur studies.

P.S Nice to see you blogging. Take it easy.

Khadija said...

Hey abby thanks for the advice and i'm sure i'll do that for sure.. and thanks for visiting my place ;)