Saturday, December 31, 2005

Another year another life..

Every one is celebrating this day with friends, family or thier beloved ones. I just feel thats its another year of my life and i feel that instead of celebrating it i should ask for forgivness from God for my deeds in the previouse year , Its just a year in my opinion and we should see this year as another aportunity to make our lives better and go for the right direction. Many ppl by now are preparing for parties for gatherings and whatever plans they have to do for the night.. I mean its kinda cool they start it with joy and happiness but thus we shall have a seriouse look for this new year to acheive more and to feel those ppl who are strugeling and suffering around the world with wars and crimes. For me i will start this year by praying for these poor ppl to have a wonderful year since the previouse one was not what they had in mind...God bless every one and happy new year and again its just another year :D

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Harry potter and the goblet of fire!

I cant wait to see it since they launched it in the movies yesterday. Yeah OMAN! always late to show the new movies that i'm dying to watch,, I read the book already one year and a half ago! But the scary part i remember all the details of the story god knows how :S lol. And since i'm super busy with work i have to wait till i get a day off which is by next week! But since i cant wait till that day i decided to take a day off from work which is tomorrow lol!Pathetic i know! :S lol! Ppl think that i'm so childish with my addiction witn harry potter! :D so yeah definitly this friday which is tomorrow i'm going to see it thus i know the story and the next part which is harry potter and the order of the phoenix and i'm reading harry potter and the half blooded prience these days and the story is just awesome.. Cant wait to see it, so till tomorrow i'm gonna be super hyper..

Sunday, December 25, 2005

A call from heaven!

It takes a life time to forget someone but it takes second to remember that person again. When you fight so hard days just trying not to think of that particuler person cuz of what harm and pain he caused to you. Just on that day where you felt oh gosh i'm totally over that person and you spent the whole day samiling and laughing all day without having a single thought of that one person you cant breath without! Then that happiness all just fall apart when that person decide that he misses you and that you're just someone he cant live wihtout! Its just not fair. After making an effort to forget and forgive and to move on. He comes back with a simple call to say i wanted to check on you! The confusion feelings i had were un describable.. it was something more like hell but it felt like a call from heaven..

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Girls party!

Last night the 23ed of dec we had a great girls party trying to surprsie my best friend at work since she's leaving the country to do her masters! We worked so hard for two weeks just to make it an amazing party! And well what can i say i had a blast! it was amazing and fun! But here's the funny part the guest of honor didn't show up, LOL unfortuntly she was in DUBAI! and when i called her to conforme her appearence in the party, she was like i'm sorry sweetie but my flight has bein delayed! Of course i tended to put her on speaker so every one can hear the super star of the party. So when she gave us the killing news that she wont be able to come one of the girls who organised the party started crying like a baby aaaaaaaaah this party is ruined! and another one started coursing every one she got really upset! And i just couldnt help it i started laughinh out loud! LOL! jesus what kind of a surprise party is it. After that i had to tell the girl we're suppose to surprise the whole story and that its her party. So she started crying in the airport ohhhh you guys you did all that to me! and she kept on crying and crying and screaming i dont believe this its my first surprise party ever and i missed it, I had to scream at her what a dump blond! Lol but in the end we had a blast and we danced all night! and i had to describe every single detaile of what happened to her! Poor girl she got exited after the party was over! :D

Thursday, December 22, 2005

A dear soul in a dear friend..

5 years ago i lost a dear soul that i would never trade or forget till death comes and take my last breath from this life. But the wierd funny part is when you feel and see that person in someone else. And that person is just a stranger i'v met by a cuensedense, I saw in him what i lost in my dear soul.Gave me back hope where there was no hope again.. What can i say i'm scared to lose him, but sometimes i feel i have to cuz he's not gonna be always there i can feel it.. He wont survive like that soul who death saperate us.. It feels like a damn cold night without him bein in my life..Its just confusing why do i always feel that my soul needs him and that my happiness is not happiness without loooking at him smiling.. And that my strenghth in front of him tend to be weakness, the beauty of my soul and its best always show around him. A friend i'll always treasure a friend i'll always appreaciate! The best friend i'v ever had sincei lost my dear soul..

Monday, December 19, 2005

Addicted to Martha!

Martha Stewart... I didnt even know she exist till the day i saw her walking in the presion on the Insider show! Then latter on Channel One was announcing about this tv show called Martha! So guess who got addicted to the show! Moi of course! Now i cant miss it.. Every day i watch its more like an addiction! Its a bit similler to Opera but its more about the beauty of our lives and how to use it right! My favorite time in the whole show is the 30 things you must know in your life! Yesterday was number 13 and it was amazing she made out of a cheap vaze a lovely artical peace with sum colourful flowers for the dinning room.. And today was a whole apisode about appels and it was wow just amazing how she used the appels in so many things that your mind would never think of it! I already tried her home made pasta her sweet mash potatoes! and lol i burned it.. And today i learned how to make an apple pye! So soon enough i'll know the result of my learning! :D lol so one word Martha! Thanks for adding a new meaning to my home life!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

About dijava

Well this is my first post on my blog and i thought i might start it by writting about my self a bit, Well what can i say about me! Hmmm well ppl call me Dj sometimes dija sometimes deej and my favorite which is dee! lol I'm a wild person with lots of crazy experience.I love to have fun and to work alot. I love to joke and to make every thing easy and simple in my life.
Thats all what i can say for now about my self! i'll come back latter with more stuff :D

Between work and studies!

I choose to challeng my father and to work during my study years in college.He tried his best to convinse me that working will take me away from school. But as every one knows my head is harder then a rock! I just do whatever i feel is right, so i started working on the 9th of march 2005 and till today i'm so happy with work though sometimes the enviroment over here sucks! will get back to that latter! :S any how during this time i had such a hard time prooving that work wont effect school well it did! In a period of time i was totally lost in my studies.. But thank to God i controlled the situation and i managed using my time each minute in its right space..
I just finished my finalls and it was a really hard time for me that period! Any how what can i still have my ups and downs between the two which is work and studies!

Cheers till next time!