Saturday, May 13, 2006

An Old friendship!, bringing old memries (Part I)

:) well well well what can i say about some really old friends that i have and can willl have forever in sha2 allah.. 4 gals that being there for me and for eachother for the past 9 years from my life! Sam, Ju, Duda, Nusy...
well how did we met a funny story actually. lol i was sitting in this school table the first of our 7th grade class. And i was just having this arrogent face lol and there was this girl that our teacher has chose so she can be in charge of the class while she's gone for some school work! So comes this girl to me and says; hey can you sit in the chear since its not allowed to sit in the table! I just gave her that face and just totally ignored her! lol that was childish i know! heheh but that she just walked away from me and started talking to her other frineds (ju, Nusy) and i just totally acted like miss Whatevvvee lol! than it started by hate and latter on by days passing ju started to be close to me since i used to make her laugh the whole time! and that i started to hang around those 3 gals thus sam was a bit cold with me since that insident that happened between us! latter on we were just being good friends and having reall fun and we laughed a lot.. And actually i was miss Samyah's favorite Puppy lol! She's our "Ejtema3eyat's Teacher" and i was just being her favorite student and i used to call her miss bamyah lol! and sam was miss Iman's favorite gal well she was the brightest in 3loom" Sience. And than one day come where we were suppose to have some kind of lesson but than out miss was absent and we had this miss Shiekha as our seatter replacment! LOL she was really obnoxiouse and was really that type that get angry in a heart beat! So the first thing she said after slamming that door so hard! I dont want to hear any noise ir you're all going to be punished! So all of us were just sooooo quite! lol the hilarious part comes next! Sam has brought her walkman! lol and ju was listening to BARBY GIRL under her white school scarf! and i was just sitting in the front side of the class and i got this note from the girl back my side! the note said; Hey come sit with us! So i knew it was my new cool freinds. so i went to them after asking permetion from that angry looking miss shiekha! so she said fine lucky me! So i came and the class was just like in dead silence and poor ju was just in another world with her barby song lol! So i was walking with a smile on my face and i was walking like marra with no sound! lol so i wouldnt disturbe that angry looking miss! so i was just reaching the chears where ju, sam and nusy where sitting and than out of a suddent ju look up and saw me so with LOUD SHARP NOISY voise she said HIIIIIIIIIII DIJJJJJJAAAAAA and every one was just like HUH! and i had this terified look up my face and sam turned RED and the girl is still surprised what happened here! and the miss stood up looking directly at ju with her funny smily face and i was just feeling like ooooh my god, sam was pulling the headset from ju's ears and every one is just STARRING at her and the class just blew up in laughter and the girl is still shocked and surprised about what happened! And at that moment i just turned my eyes in to that angry miss who was screaming and yelling BLA BLAAA BLAAAA and ju was punnished to stay up standing the whole lesson LOOOL! me, sam and nusy where just CRYING from laughter and ju is still asking whats going on WHATS GOING ON lol and i just couldnt help it on laughing tham miss Shiekha yelled ENOUGH lol so i just couldnt so we all end up standing with JU LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!

Wow what great memories! will come with more some other time! yeah the part where we met Duda was hilarious like never! :P


Samyah said...

ROFL. That cracked me up!!! I had forgotten parts of it, you've got a good memory!

God everytime I remember the Ju/Barbie Girl incident I cannot stop laughing. Totally hilarious.

Deej I remember when I first met you thinking god this girl is so stuck up and then later on thinking oh she's so sweet and sensitive!! Hehe:D

Khadija said...

LOL, see sam my brain works like a falsh camera i remeber everything in details ;) well sometimes! Important things to me ONLY :p
Thx for passin by here honey ;)
miss you so much! :)