Saturday, January 28, 2006

Second Cup..

Each time i go to Qurm i gotta pass by my favortie coffee shop to get the best hot chocolate or the best lover latees i'v ever tasted in my life :P and the good thing about second cup that thier prices are logical not too expensive not too cheap! I mean i like the rest of coffee shops ova here but still second cup has its magic and charm on me! Cant wait till they open in City Center Muscat!and as far as i can see they have a good service and the drive through is the best thing they have including the other features ! God bless Second Cup :D

Monday, January 23, 2006

Back to school!

Well the school headache is back again :S You see each year we go further we studies and we wish to go bnck for the previouse year since its easier from what we're facing now.. Thus college days are amazing with the girls and all, but when it comes to face Mr Dams "Our Proffeser" :S eeeeeeh that guys is just TALL! and i mean it he's the tallest dude i ever saw! I'm 5 and a half feet and my hear reachs his albo! He's a great teacher though! But damn he's class is boring he keep on talking non stop for two freaking hours not even one minute break! :O The college is just great with some certain ppl which are my friends! But most of the ppl there act wierdly like they're in some higher level then all ppl! And the guys over there omg one thing to say which is no comment! They're just un believeable with thier actions and 'Mughazala" evrey day!
Oh well back to the torture again! :D but i'm sure i'd miss it once i'm done with it! :)

Higher college of Technology
Al Taqaneyah Al 3ulyah! :D

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The colour of love...

:) Love, a dangerous game in my opinion. It was always away to start somehting beautiful with someone. Its a way to say i care, to say i'm there and like someone once told me its also away to say thank you. What is love to us? Some use love and some honor love and some hate it to the extreame.. I used to be one of the poeple who find it discusting. And i used to see it as a completely wrong issue or sometimes feel it like a disease that poeple get. The colours of love are different just like the rain drops.. It reflects the persons ideantity and it shows the image of you. It colours your soul if it was true.. Its just there but its a legond to nowadays ppl.. They use i love you in every thing just like a simple word not knowing its a magical thing that can change every thing to good if it was from the heart. If its the right love then its true.. If it was a love that will feed physical needs then its not the one i'm talking about in here. Its the love that will make you gliter in all places.. :) just wanted to share that with all who reads this site..

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Preparing for eid!?

OH MY GOD, ppl in this country are just amazing! LOL they take a whole month preparing for three days. Its just amazing i mean it took me one day to buy whatever i needed. But when ever i go to al khoudh, Seeb, CC, Qurm or any where its all crowded of ppl buying and buying and BUYING again. Will they ever stop LOL. I mean ok even if you had like 5 kids you'll take each one in an individual day to prepare thats a calculation of 5 days add to that forgettin or not finiding what you need thats a max of two weeks. but would it take a whole month and the day bofore eid?! And what are the things you'r buying. I can see from ppl i know exmple"my cousing" shame on them LOL, they buy stuff they dont need. Over needed as i always yell at them. :S A new dress for the first day and maybe sum matching shoes would be more then enough in my opinion but for other ppl i just dont know what they have in mind?? :S Any ways i dont think the fancy cloths and stuff would bring the happiness and joy for us in eid. Its the spirit of eid it self that brings the happines we are looking for :) Eid mubarak ppl in advance..

Friday, January 06, 2006

Its cold outside!

The weather these days has totally changed. From the killing heat to way cold that hits the deep to your body. Its not a huge different to ppl who got use to cold weather. But us!! we got used to the summer heat with a sunny warm day. But oh well we kinda need a change. But this weather is just making ppl sick al lthe time. Flue, fever and lots of un ending deseases. Its a wierd weather that hits deep in to the bones. I dont think it'll last for long though. but hopefully not otherwise i'll die in my bed freezing :S

Thursday, January 05, 2006

People and Hajj!

Many ppl are in the place that every soul wishes to be. Bein ready mentaly and physicly for the big Hajj sesson is more like feeding the humen's soul. To be honest i feel i'm still not ready for such thing. But hopefully one day i would. People go to Hajj to get more closer to God and as we all know that its Fardh for all poeple when ever they can go. The place on this sesson is so crowded with all kind of nationalities. People from all over the world gather for one purpose and for one reason. How lucky can those ppl be by bein there. And how many ppl out there didnt go and cant feel this jealousy of wanting to be there. Many hearts cant feet the beauty of the seeson and all what i can say is i'm sorry that you werent lucky and that God didnt bless them with such feeling...

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Me my work and I..

Well since i work in a call center i have to deal with all kind of people. Most of them wierd actually since i got proposed by customer zillion of times :S Believe it opr not customers are so uncivilized to call just for fun and to seek a good time for nothing. They call asking for some stupied reasons and then after trying your best to reach thier level of thinking they go all wild with thier imagination that IIIII ME! have another purpose then surving them as a customer. The funny thing when about 3 customers insisted that i tell them where i live so they can go and propuse to me!!!! :S :X@#$^^$&$&&*$@!$! I got pissed off and i started yelling like a crazy chick! What the hell is wrong with men here in Oman. They think its a game or maybe they think a working girl is a toy to play with. Why cant working girls get the respect they deserve. Or dealing with all kind of customers will let the respect they deserve less?! A wierd world to tell you the truth. Its not ok with thier beloved onces or sisters to be played with like un respectable girls but its ok with other girls! All what i can say its just a world of un civilized humen beings since about 90% of male callers are calling just to hear a girl talking! :S

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Its raining out side..

It was a day full of a great spirit every where. Like drops from heaven, covering every area.. Well In Oman we all know its rare for us to see such weather. Therefor the happiness appears in every one whether old or young "just amazing". Its a wierd feeling cuz its a sad weather in my point of view like the sky is crying and the dark sky is angry of something.. Thus it brings happiness as well.. Any how it was a completely great day.. I mean for a change from the hot sunny day all the time lol! It was just a bless :) from God, My kid bro couldnt take his face out from the window since mum yelled at us not to go out so we wouldnt catch a cold.. I felt bad so in the end we sneeked out of the house and we took a rain shower lol it was amazing.. I just fourward my face to the sky and i just felt it.. I felt like flying it was just a touch from an angel.. LOl in the end i came back to reality and i remembered my mum and i was like OH MY GOD kid bro inside the house urgent! LOL it was too late she cought us and i took the blame since i was the one who took baby mans "my bro" out side and of course cuz i was the elder sister! :S LOL in the end we told dad about our lilo adventure the great part about pups he was laughing at us instead of punishing us! :D a great day for me!