Sunday, May 26, 2013

The school of life!

Apparently the learning process never stops in this school! as life keeps on throwing leassons for you over and over again, if you fail in one, there is always a mock up one waiting for you until you get the leasson! i think that i had been getting alot of F's in this school yet recently it seems that i am getting straight A's! all that started happening once i gave it 100% of focus and had ripped my heart outta of my mind! once you saperate both, learning becomes easy and the leassons keeps on fading away as you avoid such failures in this school! We must kill out empathatic sense as simply the big leasson life is trying to teach us that its never fair! therefore you get two choices; either to keep on feeling sorry for your self and stay where you are burried with your failure or its simply not accepting the situation and moving on to another situation! been strong is not an option anymore, we all need to be strong for all that happenes around us. if you fall, cry while you get up, yet dont cry and stay where you are feeling sorry. Imagine living in the negativity of tears! i've decided to keep my tears positive at all times and for that i am now an honored student in "my" the school of life!!

Monday, February 18, 2013

The land of dreams

There is always something missing somewhere! There is always that sad, pessimistic moment at the peak of happiness! am i scared to be happy? am i refusing to be happy? am i a person that believes in realism or liberalism? do i want to be free or realistic? it has reached to a level where i fear happiness because it crushes me bad when it reverts to be a cold solid slap in the face to wake me up from my dreams land.
Do i dare to live there again?
 my head is twisted with so many doubts. even in the moment of happiness i find my self left out wondering will it last? it got me worried all time thinking will it last to the extend that i cant be happy without worrying. i am left dreaming within reality. convincing my self that this all a big dream and i will wake up one day either by my clock alarm or by a slap or by a hidden force that will wake me up from my fantasy. these dreams that i persuade has only destroyed who i am, has only made me a person that i don't recognise. the instability in my feelings has created a flat line that feelings refused to fluctuate between sadness and happiness. this flat line has kept away from being happy or sad. no emotions at all its like i am actually in the land of dreams... where the sky is red and the sea is pink... you see if pink and red but you simply cant believe its true....