Saturday, August 12, 2006


Love is just a word a game a toy in someones hand. the funny part is that you love someone so bad so hard till you cant breathe and at first you didnt even know that person does exist. You were totally cool without him and you were so free and cheerful and having a peacful life without him. Than out of a sudden he's here and you're so happy you're flying from happiness first month the second one than what a whole life like this. Not a big deal you'll wait cuz you love and you wait and wait and you lose cuz of that one particular person. And then you reach a level where you dont know who you are any more you're just lost in a world of doubts and you lost every thing around you even your own self just waiting for that ONE simple thing and in the end NOTHING! you give everyhting and you sacrifise ALL and in the end you get played and he will preffere someone else who will make you think do i have something wrong in me! and the answer is ITS NOT ME its him. I'm perfect i am every guy's dream i have it all but why cant this ONLY one person see this. i dont need the whole world to see it i want you to see it. After this you go through the same cyrcle every day and you'll end up lonely crying the whole night thinking do i deserve this am i that stupid to keep waiting for some kind of a dream. Love is a fairy tale there's no such thing now days. its 1 out of 5 who will stay faithful to the other partner. Love is a word in the wind you can see it but you can feel it but it will never last cuz it has to fly away some where else.

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