Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A world of insanity...

Its weird how you have many experiencs in life trhough your whole life in everything. Like its known older people are more wiser cuz of their experiences in life, yet thats not what i believe since old poeple now adays as i can see are just acting in simple words (childish). Over 20 years old and still gossiping and still going through stupid love affairs! I mean how can age tell you that person is wise or not! Even a 10 year old can be wiser then a 20 year old depending on how do you look in to life and how do you deal with things. Experiences can always be a good lesson for you to change the way you look in to things and the way you make decisions. How can an adult like 25 years old say that i cant live wihtout someone in my life calling in the middle of the night to sweet talk to me! What kind of immaturity is that! Life is much bigger that physical feelings and silly stuff. Life is a way to reach for a bigger thing. Its a short period where we live with a high esteame manners! Where i think the person should concentrate on being more cheerful and seriouse in the same time! And having a balance in all things in a person's life gives him the spirit to face and survice in everything and most of all he/she would definitly gain the respect from poepel and gaing a respect to his own soul. Its just so sad how i see our generation these days not devloping their selves and just wasting their time and life in things that are not useful at all not to them or to the human race! How can i rate the wisdom and the maturity of each person! By their deeds and of course by their thoughts which reflect them in the end and give us all as a one global family the peace we need..

Cheers to the world of insanity..

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