Friday, June 30, 2006

The wedding!

Its mum again dragging me to one of her weddings! Went there and doooo that was one hell of a wedding! I went lesbo last night man! Chicks where so HOT i mean lol no i'm not a lesbo or anything not even bio but DUDE! every one was dressed up and looking so cool with their cute flufy alphets. kinda weird but loved it! lol The groom was the brother of a minister and the family are fealthy rich. The funy part that the family brought their servents from their home twon! Stupidity i was sitting with a wide open mouth looking at how these poeple accept this treatment from any one. Well curiousity killed the cat, i went there and asked one of the women who serves (they were wearing the same traditional clothes all of them) i was like mmm why do you let them treat you like this. The crazy chick started to yell at me that its the way it is since ages i was like well you dont need this and you're not forced to do it any more.. The lady started yelling and calling poeple and saying come see this crazy girl what is she saying. My mum's friend which is the grooms sister looked at me with this weird what the hell are you doing look. She called my mum so i was like SHIT now this is serious! The lady started telling my mum tell your girl not to get in to poeple's business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My mum looked at me with that what the hell is wrong with you look and i just like WELL MUM and i heard her shushing me only! lol we went out of the wedding cuz mum got embaressed of my deeds! :S what a wedding!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Making a decision!

I used to have a problem in making the right decision. But finally i'm over that! How and why?
Well i can answer the why part but not the the how part! Well how cuz being hanging with two decision is difficult and it leads you insane comparing the two which in the end you end up in a same cyrcle. Its a weekness thing i can say. To be stuck in your decisions not knowing what you want. Choosing between two things is totally hard but i believe that you can always follow what balances your heart and mind! And in the end you'll reach the right thing! Thus in some cases you might choose the wrong decision but the consecuences of that decision will never make you regret what you choose! Its just pathetic now after i look at it when i used to confuse my self about everything! Just make it snappy and be strong and choose what you want and what you feel is right even if the wholw world see it wrong!

Friday, June 23, 2006


damn i hate this day its so slow and the time is just not running at all! The crapiest day of the weekend! i'm working on this day so its gives me that depressing feeling that i'v never felt in my life eeeeeeeeeeeeeekhhh!

A so sleepy day! I feel sleepy that i fell a sleep while talking to a customer :S i was trying to invent a lie to my boss all day but nothing seems to wrok :(


Thursday, June 22, 2006


I was young but I wasn't naive -
I watched helpless as you turned around to leave -
and still I have the pain I have to carry-
a past so deep that even you could not bury if you tried -
after all this time -
I never thought we'd be here -
when my love for you was blind -
but I couldn't make you see it -
that I loved you more than you'll ever know -
and part of me died when I let you go -
I would fall asleep -
only in hopes of dreaming -
that everything would be like it was before -
but nights like this it seems are slowly fleeting -
they disappear as reality is crashing to the floor -
after all this time -
I never thought we'd be here -
never thought we'd be here -
when my love for you was blind -
but I couldn't make you see it -
after all this why -
would you ever wanna leave it -
maybe you could not believe it -
that my love for you was blind -
but I couldn't make you see it -
couldn't make you see it -
that I loved you more than you will ever know -
and part of me died when I let you go -

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A world of insanity...

Its weird how you have many experiencs in life trhough your whole life in everything. Like its known older people are more wiser cuz of their experiences in life, yet thats not what i believe since old poeple now adays as i can see are just acting in simple words (childish). Over 20 years old and still gossiping and still going through stupid love affairs! I mean how can age tell you that person is wise or not! Even a 10 year old can be wiser then a 20 year old depending on how do you look in to life and how do you deal with things. Experiences can always be a good lesson for you to change the way you look in to things and the way you make decisions. How can an adult like 25 years old say that i cant live wihtout someone in my life calling in the middle of the night to sweet talk to me! What kind of immaturity is that! Life is much bigger that physical feelings and silly stuff. Life is a way to reach for a bigger thing. Its a short period where we live with a high esteame manners! Where i think the person should concentrate on being more cheerful and seriouse in the same time! And having a balance in all things in a person's life gives him the spirit to face and survice in everything and most of all he/she would definitly gain the respect from poepel and gaing a respect to his own soul. Its just so sad how i see our generation these days not devloping their selves and just wasting their time and life in things that are not useful at all not to them or to the human race! How can i rate the wisdom and the maturity of each person! By their deeds and of course by their thoughts which reflect them in the end and give us all as a one global family the peace we need..

Cheers to the world of insanity..

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Guess who's back! [some snap shots from my life]

Ok it me back again to my stinky humble Blog! hehe! well during my leave from work from school from the net from every thing! Just had some sweet calm holiday with me and my books and my life! Was studying for my exams "thank god they went well" during that time in home i was just taking some photos by my mobile and thought to post them here! Some are dumb but hilarious! lol; Woke up the first day in my holiday and was freaking hungy!
No one is home all at work and schools and this is what i found
i wanted to cry at first i was like noooooooo i NEED FOOD not rubish!
However i ate it and i was happy and satisfied.. Thank you god for this
bless :)

Mum went to Matrah ( a place in Muscat) To get some

Cheap stuff she wanted. Went with her and i was smei dead wanted

to sleep so took this pic on the road to cheer my self up!

Went to college to meet Mr Damo (Dams like i call him)

For some question i wanted to ask! Took this photo

and send it to my cousin for a laugh! Damn this guy is tall! :/

I saw it in a magazine and took it for fun!
My baby (my car) Isnt she a beauty! :angel:

Aaaaaah i'm in love!

Went to work for a visit the next day! ppl at work

were going crazy cuz of some issue! This was the

que board and the ppl on waiting as it shows reached to

65 call! Damn that was a busy day for my poor colleague!

Went back home saw my kid bro running half naked

in the house i was like Whhhh lol he always do it

so took this one while he was making some actions

Acting like spider man he's favorite charectar!

Went to my aunt's place like we always do every

Thursday and saw this from my car's window and took it!

The magazine pic again!
My lovely Cat :May3ah" man i love my baby may3ah!
Was driving the other day and took this pic!
I woke up in this day and the weather was woow

Went to our living room and took this shot!

It shows out garden :)

My baby ( my car) Again! :angel: :)
My baby boy ( cousin) he's name is Mundhir!

He's so noisy but i love him to death! He was surprised

When i took this one! :P

went to work for some papers and one of my colleauge took this

pic of my shoe! lol he send it to me latter! Awain he likes the shoe!