Friday, March 17, 2006

Its just another friday!

The morning came, woke up feeling lazy. Not my day the first thing came up my mind! Took my phone to check any call! NOTHING! Felt even more upset. Dialed a number, no answer felt even more upset! Than recieved a message which made me go mad! Oh gee whats going on here its just going crazy so far! Had so many work to do, cousins project, sister's assiment, brother's poster and my own studies! Than came the best part of this day! Prayers. Felt a bit relifed and a bit relaxed from this messy day i'm having! Back to reality its works time! Get ready in a rush go to work! Worried was i all day! This person is making me more worried. Where is he!? He's lying on bed sick! I'm getting killed by this feeling inside! Here at work, angry customers stupid questions! And just to make it worse it started raining! Poeple dancing from happiness and i'm still this sad upset meaningless face! i dont know i just hate the rain.Than i just paused for seconds ............................. Oh now i know its just another friday!

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