Monday, December 07, 2015

Human Nature

Wow its been so long! iv missed you dear blog! it seems forever!

anyways! Human nature is whats on my mind these days! its so weird how can a person change at once into the complete opposite of what they have always pretended to be! today I've learned two important lessons about Humans, words are meaningless until they are in action! there is no such things as promises as these are very rare and can always be broken! second of all trust is something precious, never give it to just any person as simply through the speed of life and the speed of change these people might simply change believes and can simply work against what attracted you to them in the first place! Humans are inconsistent and they will never be, so only build a real relationship to the ones that you truly admire and treasure. And this trust should not just come over one night or over few conversations what we need to keep reminding our selves over and over again that trust is built by years and days of consistent actionable act that will build this deep relationship you are giving birth to whom ever it is. As MJ once said If they say WHY WHY just tell them that is Human Nature!