Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Good bye lemony :-(

A week ago i was forced to let go of someone precious to me :( my dear Lemony Snikits...

i will miss you Lemon and i know we only had two years together, but it was a sweet time to me that i have had you with me at home... i will never forget you and the times we spent together...

and i will never forget the time you delievered in total 14 kids (3 deliveries) ...

I hope the new home i found you will be comfortable to you as it was for us back home...


Tuesday, June 08, 2010

a stranger in a world i dont belong in

two years ago i''ve experienced one of the most self torturing punishment for been who i was...
recently i was able to find my self, my soul my person... and again the most crusial things happened to me because i still dont belong.
i know for a fact now that no matter how comfotable i am where i am today, a day will come and i will be at point zero again...
i always felt that i belong somewhere not here, but i pushed my self for the people i love, for the people around me...
only one thing kept me going, a person...
a person i thought can be the solution for everything, or can really keep me comfortable for as long as i live...
i relise now that its a mistake from me to think that, i relise now that i should have had faith in me and searched for what makes me strong and not lean on someone for that...
i fell so many times, and each time i woke up from the fall strong.
this fall was hard on me, and it was harder because my person bail on me and wasnt there for me, actually no one was there to be with me on this fall...
yet again its not a surprise that i wake up from my fall alone and strong again.
i almost got crushed, i almost fell without standing on my legs again.. i almost fade away...
i walk in roads, har people, meet everyone and i know these are not the faces or the places i belong too, i have to find my happiness and its not here, and not in this time..
i walk like a stranger in a world i dont belong too...