Sunday, March 15, 2009

Two Roses

Roses were always the sample people use to express beauty, love and innocence, I never loved roses in fact I hated roses I felt it’s useless. It dies in just two days without water and they give this hideous smell when it gets dry... However today the whole perception changed when I saw him standing with two roses on his hands... looking at me like it was only me in this world... at that moment I felt its me, him and the two roses ... the whole world just froze for a moment and the only thing came up was to jump holding him near holding him believing or actually choosing to believe that it was only me in this world that got this precious gift, that I was the only girl in the universe who was blessed on the "love" day ... everything didn’t make any sense at that moment... and it was a dream for at least an hour but then back again where I belonged... just another girl in the list :)
sometimes we don’t know what other people have for us and sometimes we wish to make them think the way we want them to think, and most probably because they don’t think the way we want them to think, that’s why we dream... that’s why we try ... that’s why we believe..
I choose to believe that am living a dream, I choose to believe that am the most loveable happy girl in the universe all though am the complete opposite... someone else in my condition would say why me? What did I do to get all this? But I believe in something greater... I believe that my day will come... I choose to see what I want and I choose to ignore what upsets me... I simple ignore life whenever I want too...
I knew a young lady who came in my dreams once and said "lets live the moment" and I knew at once that it was me...
I will not judge, I will not upset, I will not anger, I will not jealous and I will not cry...
Lights will always guide me home, I will always find a way to come back but I will be free... I will find my way and I will not fall...
I believe that I have strength and I choose to believe that I can do what anyone can do, but I do believe that I cannot remote anyone and I cannot control a human soul... we all have the rights to choose our paths and I choose mine, therefore you will choose yours and I will not guide you because you need to find your way back to my heart... lights will guide you home and I will still be here and try to fix you...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A letter to Michael Fitzpatrick

It feels just like yesterday when i met Michael Fitzpatrick, funny that a year have passed so fast and i am forced to say goodbye to a great character that affected my life positively and i am really sorry that i am forced under a harsh unfair reasons to be apart from a person who i have no other then respect and ultimate gratitude for all the lessons and experiences he had taught me and enriched my career with...
Michael was a role model, he was my role model. someone i would want to be like when i gain his experience one day, a character that made me change many prospectives about my life. A life time experience that i will never forget. I must say that this is all sound like a bad dream now knowing that he wont be here though I've spend a whole year spending half my day (10 Hrs minimum) working with him in the same office, observing how he deals with people, how he handle presser, how he talks and recording every single move to be a better person. A person that everyone respect and feel comfortable around. "Sounds like a stalker" lol but i am in shock i am in denial! how could this great experience end in one year, i at least expected to grieve and cry within at least 3 years from now or 5 where i say goodbye and have grown more. However at this time its still early, i didn't get enough learning from Michael i didn't get enough to be like him. He's just so perfect to be gone now. I respect you Michael Fitzpatrick and people may think that this worshiping may be too much but am a person who appreciate and i appreciate you been here in my life lifting up and building my career with me. I would never reach where i am today without you i would not learn and acknowledge what i know today without your help and continues support. It is a shame that the way you're gone happened in a cruel way and that people like me in my same nationality would have the low thinking they have today and at this time. all what i can say is that i am deeply sorry and i know that you will shine more and you will concur those people as you are more then who you are today...
i will truly miss you around the office, and i cant imagine going early in the morning not finding you in your desk giving me that morning smile and asking me about my day and making a funny comment about my fishes, i seriously cant imagine working there without you been part of my team... but as i promised you i will get over it and be strong and shine to beat the people who sabotage our image in the world...
You will shine and i will follow my dreams and be someone close to who you are...

I give you my word...

P.S:- i used Pink because you always make your comment about this color which is my favorite :-)

God Bless
your respectfully